e, æ, aa, a, o, ɔː, ᴈː

N 1) bᴈːt bet baat th•t jen w•z faas t• th•n jæn?
 Bert bet Bart that Jen was faster  than Jan,

“bat baat bet  th•t jæn w•z faas t• th•n jen?
 but Bart bet  that Jan was faster  than Jen.

  2) baat bet bᴈːt th•t jen w•z faas t• th•n jæn?
Bart bet Bert that Jen was faster  than Jan,

  “bat bᴈːt bet  th•t jæn w•z faas t• th•n jen?
 but Bert bet  that Jan was faster  than Jen.

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