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Man           You can ask her. I’m new to this place.

Angelise   Ah… it’s about neighbours. It’s OK? Ah… do…um… we study English have to make a interview about your neighbours. It’s OK if I record you?

Woman     No worries. Yeah, go ahead.

Angelise   So let’s go. How well do you know your neighbours?

Woman     Um… well… not much.

Angelise   Not much. OK. What makes a good neighbour?

Woman     Well, somebody who’s there to help you when… when you need them. And somebody who doesn’t prude [=intrude? judges?] into your life too often… you… as well.

Angelise   OK, good

Woman     Yeah.

Angelise   And what makes a bad neighbour?

Woman     Um… someone who prudes into your life… very unnecessarily. Yeah.

Angelise   Who’s the best neighbour you hever had?

Woman     Um… I am not sure I have had someone like that here, but back in my country, Yes. I had a couple of good neighbours. Yeah.

Angelise   OK. Who’s the worst?

Woman     Um… Naah… I don’t think I’ve come across someone’s really bad.

Angelise   OK

Woman     Right, are we done?

Angelise   Yes, thank you.

Woman     Thank you