Nok How
well do you know your neighour?
Man Not
very well. I live in a high-rise flat.
Nok Mmmm… Whass make a good neighbour?
Man Friendly,
happy, saying hello.
Nok Oh,
thank… Whass make a bad neighbour?
Man Loud
music at night time?
Nok Oh…
Man Yes.
Nok Who’s
the best neighbour yuwa ever had?
Man It
was a lady and a man… husband and wife. Ah… they were very friendly… would
invite me over for coffee.
Nok Mmmm.
Man Very
Nok Who’s
the worst?
Man Hoh hoh hoh…
Nok Hoh hoh
Man Loud
music man. Every night loud music. From one… one o’clock in the morning
onwards… loud music. He was the worst.
Nan Yes.
OK, thank you so much.
Man No
worries, girls.
The girls Thank
Man Hope
you have… go well with your lessons.