Cutting Edge 3e Pre-Intermediate 1.7

M = Marek     L = Laura

M:       OK É letÕs start. IÕll interview you first É Are you ready?

L:         Yes É

M:       IÕm going to time us on my phone É WeÕve got 60 seconds É thatÕs one minute, starting from É now! So, whatÕs your full name?

L:         My full name is Laura InŽs Rodriguez Ortega.

M:       Wow! É YouÕve got a long name É OK É let me write that É Laura É Ines É Rodriguez É Ortega É And have you got a nickname?

L:         Yes, my friends and family usually call me Lal’. 

M:       Lal’ É L-A-L-I É ThatÕs a nice name!

L:         Thank you!

M:       And, OK É what next É Yes, where were you born?

L:         I was born in Buenos Aires É in Argentina É

M:       Buenos Aires É And when were you born?

L:         When? É Err É on 18th December, 1990.

M:       December É 18th É 1990 É OK É Err ÉWell, tell me about your family.

L:         OK É I live with my father and mother and sister. Both my parents are doctors É they work in different hospitals in Buenos Aires.

M:       Oh really? They are both doctors É

L:         Yes, and my sister is two years younger than me. Her name is Patricia É but everyone calls her Pati.

M:       What do you do in your free time?

L:         Mostly, I like doing a lot of sport in my free time. I mean, I play basketball É I usually play about three or four times a week. And I sometimes go to the gym or go swimming. I really like keeping fit.

M:       Oh, really É thatÕs great É Oh! ThatÕs 60 seconds finished É