
1       A:     Hello, IÕm asking people about special clothes ... Could you tell me about some clothes or shoes which are special to you...?

         B:     Well, IÕve got some great trainers ... red Converse trainers ... you know...

         A:     Red ones?

         B:     Yes ... I love them...

         A:     When did you get them?

         B:     Erm ... I got them about five years ago, I suppose.

         A:     Why did you get them...? Did you get them for any special reason?

         B:     I was on holiday in the USA ... it was a great holiday with two friends ... I think I just bought them because I liked them ... you know, ... I went into the shop and saw them and I loved them immediately. I think itÕs because I like the colour ... but also I love the design. TheyÕre great and they remind me of that fantastic holiday we had together.

         A:     Do you wear them a lot?

         B:     Yes, I wear them all the time. And as I said, I bought them five years ago ... and they still look quite new ... I mean, they still look good ... yes, theyÕre older but theyÕre more comfortable than before É TheyÕre the most comfortable shoes IÕve got ...


2       A:     IÕm doing a survey about special clothes ... What are the most special clothes or shoes youÕve got?

         B:     Erm É IÕve got a dress... itÕs blue and white checked... ItÕs one of the most special things IÕve got...

         A:     When did you buy it?


         B:     I got it about eight years ago...

         A:     And did you buy it for a special occasion or É?

         B:     Yes ... I did. I bought it because... well, it was my friendÕs birthday and she had a picnic... a kind of picnic party. So I bought it for that. And well, at this party, I met someone...

         A:     Someone?

         B:     Yes, someone who later became my husband...!

         A:     Really?

         B:     Yes ... we got married two years after that. So itÕs a very special dress for me!

         A:     How often do you wear it?

         B:     Well, I donÕt wear it now really... I mean I was a lot thinner then... [laughs] so it doesnÕt fit me now... IÕm fatter than I was! But I still keep it... because it reminds of that day ... one of the best days of my life!


3       A:     IÕm doing a survey about clothes which are special to people. Could you tell me about some clothes or shoes which are special to you...?

         B:     OK... I think something that I really love is my leather jacket...

         A:     Leather jacket...? When did you get that?

         B:     Well, ages ago... erm ... I think about ten years ago... maybe more... ten or twelve years ago...

         A:     Why did you get it? What is special about it for you?

         B:     Well, I thought it was the coolest jacket in the world! I loved it! It was my brotherÕs jacket actually...

         A:     Your brotherÕs?

         B:     Yes, my brotherÕs three years older than me. He had it for about three or four years... and I thought he was really cool... I wanted to be like him... and I really wanted his jacket!

         A:     Did he give it to you?

         B:     Yes...! I asked him so many times... and in the end, he gave it to me... I wore it all the time... I never took it off really... I mean, that was ten years ago!

         A:     Do you wear it a lot now?

         B:     It depends ... yeah, there are times when I wear it a lot... and then, sometimes I donÕt ... it depends on what IÕm wearing ... and what IÕm doing ... but I still love it ...