
1.          It is impossible to touch your mouth with your elbow.

2.          Your ears continue growing throughout your life.

3.          Your eyes are the same size from birth onwards.

4.          Your nose can identify about 50,000 different smells.

5.          You control your thumb using nine separate muscles. Thumbs and fingers donÕt have any muscles in them. You control them from muscles in your hand.

6.          Your middle fingernail grows the fastest. And your fingernails grow four times faster than your toenails.

7.          An average person has approximately 250 hairs in each eyebrow.

8.          Each hair stays on your head from between two and six years, then they fall out. Men lose about 40 hairs a day and women lose about 70 hairs a day.

9.          PeopleÕs legs are usually different lengths.

10.      The length from your wrist to your elbow is the same as the length of your foot.