Speakout Street Interviews 8

F = Finn     W1 = 1st woman etc.     M1 = 1st man etc.

F:      I spend a lot of time shopping. I like buying shoes and books. I buy things online but I also like visiting street markets. How about you? How do you feel about shopping?

W1:  I donÕt really like it very much on the whole. I find it can get very stressful, big crowds, especially in London.

M1:   It depends on my mood, but generally yes, I enjoy it.

W2:  I think itÕs one of the best things to do, ever!

W3:  I like shopping – when I can afford it. But I canÕt afford it most of the time.

W4:  I love shopping. ItÕs a good way to spend a day. You can have fun, go with your friends or family and come home with some new things

W5:  Love it. I enjoy it very much. ItÕs great. Gives you a buzz.

M2:   I have mixed feelings about shopping. Sometimes IÕm in the mood and other times, I canÕt bear the idea of shopping.

W6:  I love shopping, because, you like, buy new things. You spend time with your friends or family. Yeah, itÕs good fun.

M3:   I hate shopping. I prefer shopping on the Internet, where I can look at everything and have everything delivered to my house.

W7:  I love it and I hate it.

M4:   What do I feel about shopping? I donÕt like shopping.

F:      Where do you usually shop?

W1:  For clothes? I like the high street chains. And you find them in lots of places around London.

M1:   Usually clothes shops, independent clothes shops.

W2:  IÕve been to Harrods. Harrods is really expensive, obviously, but itÕs just wonderful to go in there and see what theyÕve got on offer and things like that.

M3:   I shop on eBay. I like eBay because you can find older things or very rare items.

W3:  Second-hand stores. I like vintage stores and markets, and those sorts of places.

W4:  If I have the money, I go for the more expensive designers. But usually, just mid-range.

W5:  I usually shop in large stores, like Selfridges.

M2:   I try to avoid the big department stores and find the small independent shops.

W6:  I usually shop in High Street stores or vintage shops, because in vintage shops, you can find rare things that nobody else has.

W8:  Because I live in Cape Town, I do most of my shopping in Cape Town, South Africa. But I come to Europe quite often during summer time, so I do my shopping in England, in London or in Italy.

F:      Have you bought anything recently?

W1:  I have actually. I bought a dress – and I bought a telephone.

M1:   Yes, I bought a book – to read on the train.

W2:  I bought myself a new coat.

M5:   A pair of trainers that IÕm wearing at the moment I bought yesterday. So, thatÕs the most recent thing IÕve bought.

W6:  I bought lots of things in the sale, like tops and skirts. And I bought a pair of shoes as well, that I had my eye on for a while.

M2:   Yes, IÕve bought some very cheap trousers in the sales, which IÕm very pleased about. I bought two pairs because when you find one pair that you like, you should always buy another.

W3:  I havenÕt, no, but my friend Natalie has.

W4:  I bought my sunglasses. TheyÕre Chanel so theyÕre quite expensive. And thatÕs today. The other week though, I bought a Mimco handbag which was also fairly expensive but I think itÕs very nice.