The toy that saved a life

Group 3, Students: Santiago, Fas, Angela


One day, a man went to a pub. There were some guys playing a game of darts. He joined the game [the game is darts (You) darts is a kind of game. It doesn't make the game specific, The game that the guys were playing (Harry)] and won. The prize [the prize of that game (You), The prize for winning the game (Harry)] was a toy stethoscope. He was playing with the stethoscope [ ???(You), The stethoscope that he won (Harry)] and decided to listen to his own heart. He heard a strange noise: two quick beats and then the slow one. He was worried. He left the pub [the pub of the game (You), The pub where he won the stethoscope (Harry)] and went home. He went to a doctor the next day. The doctor [the doctor here he went (You), The doctor that/who he went to (Harry)] did some tests and found out that the man [the man who went to the doctor (You), The man who went to the doctor / won the stethoscope / went to the pub... (Harry)] had a hole in his heart. He told him that he needed an operation to close the hole [the hole that he had in his heart (You) , The operation that the doctor told him he needed (Harry)] . He had the operation [the operation that he needed in his heart (You), (Harry)] and is fine now. A stethoscope saved my life!"