A family fight - Vocabulary
break out (v) "brei k¾ut" – a
fight breaks out = a fight stars
break up a fight (v) "brei kap" –
stop a fight
come straight
home (v) Òstreit hOmÓ
– come home without going anywhere else on the way
a curfew
Òkᴈː fyooÓ – a
time you have to be home by
an excuse Òiks kyoosÓ – a
storiy that explains why you did something wrong
grounded (adj.) "gr¾un
d¥d" – not allowed to go out of the house
except for school
Ôround with someone (v) Òh¾ng r¾undÓ – spend
your free time with someone
tracks "tr¾ks" – Eg: train tracks, tiger tracks
keep track of something (v) "keep tr¾ k¥v" – Eg: I use a
diary to keep track of my appointments
lose track of something (v) "looz tr¾ k¥v" – forget
something, become disorganised about something Eg: I
lost track of time = I forgot what time it was.
a locker "lo ka" – a cupboard you can lock with a key, for
storing your things at school or work
a punishment Òpa nish m¥ntÓ
– Eg: a fine, a curfew, smacking, prison
smack someone (v) Òsm¾kÓ – hit someone on the bottom with an open hand
strict (adj.) ÒstriktÓ – someone who is strict thinks the
rules are very important
talk back
(to someone) (v) Òtɔːk b¾kÓ – argue
with your father, teacher, boss, etc
worried sick (adj.) Òwa reed sikÓ – very