The Passive in Thai      


In English, Passive = be + V3

In Thai, the Passive is made with these words:     Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:thai passive indicators.png


An active sentence         Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:active sentence explanation 2.png


Thai people eat rice.    Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:Thai people eat rice.png              

(The subject is Thai people.           Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:the subject is thai people.png )

A passive sentence         Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:passive sentence explanation.png

Rice is eaten by Thai people.            Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:Rice is eaten by thai people.png                         

(The subject is rice                               Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:the subject is rice.png    )



Actor Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:the actor - who was doing.png






Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:Thai people2.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:grow.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:rice.png


Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:in the rainy season.png


Thai people




in the rainy season







Actor Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:the actor - who was doing.png



Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:rice.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:is grown2.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:by thai people.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:in the rainy season.png





by Thai People

in the rainy season





Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:rice.png

Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:is grown2.png


Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:in the rainy season.png






in the rainy season


be  is in the same tense as the active verb:


Present continuous                              

That woman is hitting a cat.               Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example present continuous 2 A.png


A cat is being hit.                                     Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example present continuous 2 B.png


Past Simple

We grew rice yesterday.                      Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example past simple 2 A.png .


Rice was grown yesterday.                 Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example past simple 2 B.png


Future – Will

We will grow rice tomorrow.             Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example future will 2 A.png


Rice will be grown tomorrow.           Description: ESL_MBP:MYPASSPORT:PASSPORTFOLDER:0 ESL PASSPORT:OTHER:0002 OTHER:country of origin stuff not pronun:Thai:Passive - Thai:tense example future will 2 B.png

