"eyə/eya" and "eː"
You can say "there" in two ways:
there ▸  "dheya"   ▸ "dheː"

"eː" isn't a double vowel. It's just a long "e".

You won't find "eː" in the dictionary.

Dictionaries use /eə/ for both sounds.

This is because the meaning is the same for both sounds:

caring ▸ "keyə ring"
▸ "keː ring"


"eeyə" and "uwə" also have two sounds:

hearing ▸ "heeyə ring"
▸ "hii ring"  
Dictionaries only use /ɪə/
tourist ▸ "tuwə rəst"
▸ "tuu rəst"  
  • Dictionaries only use /ʊə/


"eː" is more common than "uu" or "ii", so I use "eː" in class when I'm teaching. I don't usually use "uu" or "ii"

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